All the news I wish to print

There are all kinds of stories out there. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry. Some will make you shrug, some will make you scream. Read any daily paper or listen to any newscast and your emotions can go from happy to sad to disbelief to fear to incredulity to horror to anger in very short order.
As we go along, there will be stories, as Paul Harvey used to say, to "wash your ears out with." There will be others that will make you feel like you need to be deloused simply by virtue of having heard or read them. Some posts will be religious, some secular and for some I expect will defy easy classification in either category. I hope you will join me in this journey and please feel free to comment along the way.
For my part I pledge not to remove any posts unless they are vulgar, libelous, threatening or otherwise in violation of the standards of civil discussion. I will not remove any post simply because I disagree with it but I will reserve the right to respond to any challenges that come my way.
God bless you and welcome to my blog.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My heart is a manger - The Arlington Catholic Herald

My heart is a manger
By Barbara Curtis

Sometimes I look around at all the strong and faithful Catholic families in our church and wish I could have been brought up like that, with the love of God swaddling me not just on Sunday mornings but every day because my parents kept God’s love alive in their union and in our home.

To all who have knit a seamless garment of faith for your children, I hope you know there are parents in the pews who draw hope and inspiration from your example. I hope your moments of feeling taken for granted — and I know even the most perfect parents must have them — are fleeting and that you quickly hear the still, small voice whispering that your influence extends well beyond your own children to people like me who came from brokenness and can only hope to start a new legacy with our own families.

Read on:

My heart is a manger - The Arlington Catholic Herald

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