Thanks to the vigilant efforts of an army of ambulance chasers through the years we are inundated with warning labels on virtually every product. You know the ones I mean. The label on the paint can tray at the top a step ladder that says "NOT A STEP" just in case the other label that says "PAINT CAN TRAY" enough of a clue as to its purpose. Or, my personal favorite, the warning on coffee cups that screams "WARNING, HOT COFFEE" which assumes that I must be such an imbecile that somehow could not make the connection between the hot coffee I just ordered and paid for and that which is now in the cup in my hand.
Apparently, the labels for morons business must be a little slow because the geniuses that came up with these labels have now decided that we cannot even read our founding documents or great historical treasures without their tutelage and guidance, lest we suffer accidental psychotic breaks or worse, start sounding like Glenn Beck.
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